Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Wesley's Call to Serve!

Wes called me today at 1:50 to let me know that his mission call was in his email inbox! Yahoo!!! He asked if he should wait until Thanksgiving at Park City (next week) to open it so everyone could be there? (aka Hyrum). I quickly shot that down, and Wes agreed - said he didn't think he could wait that long! So we decided for him to open it tonight at 7! Here he is opening it - keep reading to find out where he will be going!

We sent out texts to let family know - he texted the college kids and Wrides, I texted Hibberts and Abi Lily and Sophi at school. He put it on his Instagram. He came home early from working with Corey (I let him take the car this morning after he took the jr high carpool for me), he said he couldn't concentrate to get school stuff done, but that is ok since he got such an early start. (He has 7 more classes to do... English Part 2, American gov, physics part 1, physics part 2, financial literacy, math part 1, math part 2 - we're about to find out the real deadline he's got to finish it by!) So he helped me do stuff around the house. I was outside raking when he got here. We didn't need to do the backyard, but that was where I had been working - to load up the garbage cans with leaves and pine needles before the trash comes tomorrow. Katharine and Peter played on the trampoline as we worked. Peter wanted a blanket, and it made Katharine's hair very static-y!

Wes taught Katharine to go down the slide on Sunday when they were all at the park. She went down the slide a few times and Peter would catch her, even though she doesn't need to be caught. Then Corey and I left for a quick bike ride. The kids all chipped in cleaning while we were gone. Wes took this photo of Peter vacuuming the front room - aww!

(Abi said she had to re-vacuum it after, but they were glad that he wanted to help!) After we got back, Corey went to the temple and I took a quick cold shower and then I officially voted against Costco cookies and instead I made some Brazilian Rice and Curried Potatoes to feed any guests. Cousin Isaac arrived first, then Wayne, and my parents...

Wes had a world map on the kitchen table for people to write their guesses on. Joseph Mel and Ethan all drove up from BYU. More family and neighbors and friends flooded the kitchen. 

We had a slight delay as we waited for Uncle Mark and Aunt Chalane... soon they were here, and it was time! Reading the mission letter pic is at the top of this post, and for the exciting news of where Wesley will be spending the next two years of his life... He is assigned to labor in the Texas Lubbock Mission and will preach the gospel in the Spanish language!! Que bien!! Ethan made this story for fb/post for instagram - aww! I love it! 

Look at all those missionaries! We've got a pretty good testimony legacy going on so far, yay. So, that's pretty cool Wes! Lubbock Texas! Wes already says "Howdy" - now he had a reason to! He just needs to start saying y'all now. 

Welcome to the work Wes!! He starts his missionary training on January 22. He'll do like a week of Home MTC and then will go to the Mexico City Training Center to learn Spanish! Pretty exciting! 

Week 59 & 60: sorry

Apologies. I'm sorry I didnt write last week. It was kind of crazy. We had zone P-day, and one of the Elders broke his ankle. He'll ...