Monday, November 25, 2024

Week 44: Do you want to be happy?

I feel like I've been asking myself this question a lot this week. A few days ago it felt like all the doubts I've ever had came back and I just got kind of depressed. After some pondering, I asked myself a question: "Do you want to be happy?"

One thing that I've learned on the mission, is no matter what or how much you read, you still won't have all the answers. Everyone is eventually backed up to the wall of faith and has to take a step in the dark. The only way to really find out is to be believing.

Our friend Ryan is back on date and wants to be baptized before I get transfered, so we're really excited for that!

Sorry for the short email, but don't forget about your favorite missionary this Christmas!!

- Elder Wride

I made gluten-free crepes for the district

I'm a master at tetris. I fit all the chairs and the podium in a small room

Zachery just got baptized! He was a guy I randomly messaged on Facebook, and it must've been spirit led because he was so ready

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