Monday, December 2, 2024

Week 45: Unshakeable

This weeks been good! I feel like not a ton happened, everything seems to blur, so I don't even know what memories I have are from this week. But Ryan and Ximena are on date, and both progressing to baptism!! Ximena's mom is a member, but her Dad's Jehova's Witness, and she needs his permission if she wants to get baptized this month, which she does!! So please pray for her!!

Thanksgiving was great!! We ate well. I feel like there isn't much to say about holidays. I prefer normal missionary days. They feel more productive

 Throughout my mission, I've been collecting devotionals, podcasts and talks that have been helpful and pivitol throughout my mission, and I recently gained access to a ton of tapes from Hank Smith that I've started going through, and the ones. One was about unconquerable spirits, 5 temptation killers, and another one about how to earn an unshakable testimony. That's the one I listened to today, (we have lots of long drives here).

I don't have a ton of time right now, but there's a quote I want to share that I really like.
"A person with an experience is never at the mercy of someone with an opinion."
I loved that, because as a missionary, I'm not trying to convert people to me, or to my church. I'm inviting them to turn to God and have their own experiences with him. But something I've noticed, is that if we hold back, God will hold back. He will not give us those experiences if we aren't willing ti use them. If you get the answer you're looking for, what are you going to do with it? God wants to bless us with experiences and blessings, but we can't hold back on him. You can't hold back water and demand the seed to grow and produce fruit. And once that tree is grown, it's rooted in your heart, it's unshakable.

Love you guys!!

- Elder Wride

- I got a banana nerf gun. Felt cool, might delete later
- memes
- scandalous pig
- I feel like Duo Lingo is kind of mean

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