I'm so sorry I didn't write last week!! I was struggling to figure out what to write anyways, and I didn't have a lot of time. That week was kind of rough (lowest numbers I've seen my whole mission). The other Elders in the city call us the Berrendo farming system, because literally all we did that week was find golden English contacts and then pass all of them off to the English Elders.
Elder Wesley Wride - Texas Lubbock Mission
Monday, March 3, 2025
Week 57 & 58: Prayers!!
Monday, February 17, 2025
Week 56: Typical Roswell
Monday, February 10, 2025
Week 55: Admit defeat, then turn to Jesus

Monday, February 3, 2025
Week 54: God perfects the harvest everytime
I dont know what to write this week, other than that its been amazing. Hopefully it'll come as I start typing. We have been working hard and we found 9 people this week, 4 of them were all in the same circle.

Monday, January 27, 2025
Week 53: Week of Tender Mercies
Ok, so we had just an amazing week!! The biggest miracle we had though had to be how we had 8 of our friends at church on Sunday! We had set up some contacts of who we would stop by that morning. We stopped by Jose Jesús, and he brought his daughter too! As we were contacting that morning, Elder Springer felt that we should go stop by someone else we hadn't put in yet. This person we'd only talked to once, when we tracted into her on exchanges. We gave her a Book of Mormon and hadn't seen her since, but when we went by her husband answered and he said they would come. We weren't sure they actually would on such short noticed, but they both came and brought her Mom! It was just so amazing. Normally it's hard to get friends we've been teaching for a while to come to church, but they came even though we haven't taught them anything. They all loved it though, and the members really made them feel welcomed.
Week 57 & 58: Prayers!!
I'm so sorry I didn't write last week!! I was struggling to figure out what to write anyways, and I didn't have a lot of time. T...
So this week was good. I honestly don't know what to write in this, because most of what I have worth writing is probably a bit too pers...
This conference was seriously amazing. This was the first time that I felt I really needed answers, so I was looking forward to it for weeks...
Sorry guys, it's been a busy P-day, so I'm sending this late, and it'll be shorter than normal. We had a zone P-day, so all the ...