Monday, April 8, 2024

Week 11: Conference

This conference was seriously amazing. This was the first time that I felt I really needed answers, so I was looking forward to it for weeks. I wrote down all of my questions, and 90% of them were answered in the first session, which was really cool. 2 of my questions weren't answered, but president nelson told us to go back and study the talks of this conference often until the next one, so maybe I'll find my answers in the next 6 months.

So Elder Rochelle and I were trying to speak only Spanish, but I haven't been as diligent in that because I don't know how to say what I want to say, and when he says something in Spanish, I often need him to repeat it multiple times or just say it in English, and so it slowly died down. We literally can't just speak Spanish here tho, all of the other missionaries are English missionaries, except a few, and other stuff. Anyways, my desire to learn Spanish is diminishing, and so I haven't been working as hard, and I think my Spanish is getting worse. I'm gonna try to step it up this week though.

Someone we met tonight
So we had just had interviews with the mission president today, and that was fun. As we were driving home, we still had 30 minutes before we had to go home. We were debating whether or not we should visit one of our investigators, and Elder Rochelle tried following some advice he got about prayer from the president, and we decided we'd go visit him, but on the way, Elder Rochelle said he didn't feel like we should, and then the guy said they were getting ready for bed anyways, and then he pulled over so we could ķnock some Doors. When walking to our 2nd door, this woman pulled up in her car and asked us what we needed. We said we had a special message, and she said "OK, what do you got?" And we brought up the Book of Mormon. I asked that if God gave her more scripture, if she would be interested in reading it. At first she uncertainly said maybe, and then later said that she would most likely not read it. Then we started about how she's been struggling with God, Faith, and other things, and then we testified of the power of the Book of Mormon. Since my testimony kind of reset, there's a lot that I'm hesitant to testify of,  but since I've read the Book of Mormon and felt it's influence, I was able to bear my witness that reading the book would bless her life, and help her in what she was struggling with. We left her one, and I do believe she'll end up opening it. Anyways, so that was fun.

This conference was golden, I loved it. One thing I'll share, cuz I'm running out of time, that I liked was when Elder Pieper said the best way to learn how to trust God is simply by trusting him. It's true, you can really only gain a testimony of something by doing it. That's how I gained a testimony of the Book of Mormon and some other things. I've read it, and it helped me. If I want to gain the witness that I'm looking for, I have to put in the effort. You have to try it. You have to trust in God in order to develop a relationship with him. Do your best in the things you can control, and pray for his help in the things you can't. Anyways, sorry for sending it so late. 

The eclipse was cool but we didn't get a full eclipse in Abilene. It did get darker though. 
The full eclipse picture below was sent by missionaries who serve further east.

That ball of paper picture is what happened when Elder Rochelle washed our subway coupons

(note by Wesley's mom - he didn't attach any photos to his email, the one above is one he sent me during the eclipse though, I emailed him that I didn't get any pics, hopefully he'll send them to me next p-day)

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Week 59 & 60: sorry

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