Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Week 13: Who's on the Lord's side? Who?


Ok, not too much happened this week other than the big meeting. I thought about how much was appropriate to share, and I think I'll give a little bit of context, but I'm gonna focus more on what I learned rather than talk about the extent of the situation here.

A day of Choosing
So we had a meeting yesterday with the entire mission. All 170 missionaries met together because of some issues that came to light to the president. I won't say a lot of what was said here, but there has been a culture of disobedience here, and it became serious enough that some missionaries were sent home. It was serious enough that Elder Schmutz, of the seventy came down to address and correct all the issues in the mission, sent by the 12. He addressed a lot of scriptures that I'll talk about, because they're all really good. You don't have to read then all, because there are a lot, but I'm gonna share my thoughts of each one. Everyone in the room who was willing, raised their hands and promised to stand with Christ, to strictly obey the Standards for Disciples of Jesus Christ, to hold each other accountable to those standards and to encourage each other to draw closer to the Savior instead of further away from him. Now I don't wanna say too much else about the meeting, but it was a day of Choosing. Who's on the Lord's side? Now is the time to choose. Now is the time to show.
Called and Chosen
He shared mang scriptures, and I'll make a list of all the scriptures he referenced if you want to study them, but I want to share a few that emphasized the difference between being called and Chosen. 

D&C 95:5-6 said that many are called and few are chosen, and those who are not chosen are walking in Darkness at Noon-day. It was a powerful reminder that when we are living without the spirit, we're the ones missing out. There is so much light right now, especially in the field. We are promised miracles, but if we are not faithful and worthy, we'll be left in darkness.

D&C 105:35
There has been a day of calling, but the time has come for a day of choosing; and let those be chosen that are worthy.
Among the many things he shared, he called this a day of choosing. Now was the day for us to choose who we're going to be. We've all been called to the work. We've all been called to the gospel. We've all been called as missionaries, even without a tag. We've all been called, but we need to choose today if we're going to be worthy. We get to choose if we're chosen. It's funny, it's a day of Choosing in two ways. The day we choose to obey God is the day he chooses to guide us. Once we commit and choose to obey God, he blesses us with his spirit and with the powers of heaven.

D&C 121:34-37
I won't talk all about this one, but please read it. It talks about how we become chosen. But a key point is the heavens are open, we know that, but you have to strive to be righteous or the heavens withdraw themselves from you, and you miss out.

Luke 9: 57-62
This one struck me hard because it'll be the hardest for me to apply and accept. Go read it before you read what I say, because Jesus says it better. "No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is not for the kingdom of God." Don't look back. Don't give yourself reason to delay or not be 200% committed. Don't worry about hurrying the dead if it delays preaching the kingdom of God. Don't worry about saying goodbye or reminiscing in who you used to be, just let it go. Once you've found God, once you've begun the work, you have to surrender to God's will and begin pushing the plough. Do not look back, do not delay, but go forward in this great cause. Nothing is more important than bringing to pass the eternal life of man.

All the scriptures referenced:
Judges 7:4-7 (I can explain this one more if needed, because it can be kind of confusing at first)
Matthew 7:21-24
Luke 9:57-62
1 Nephi 2:14
1 Nephi 3:5-7
Jacob 2...
Mosiah 21:14,16
Alma 5-6
D&C 95:5-6
D&C 100:7-8
D&C 105:35
D&C 121:34-37

Sorry for sharing so much from the scriptures, but I'm not really sorry because they're the scriptures!! And you should be studying them. I wish I could've gone through all of them but I don't wanna be overbearing, and I don't wanna run out of time. For my personal study the night after the meeting I went through all of those scriptures, and I learned a lot and I know you can too. Basically, strict obedience brings miracles, and the culture of this mission changed on Monday. We have all been called to serve him, but now we're beginning to be a chosen people. Guys, PLEASE don't walk in darkness, because you're mission out. There is so much light to the gospel and it's everywhere, if you'll just open your eyes and open your heart. Just let in the Gospel, and choose it. It's a choice, and everyone must have their day of Choosing. When that day comes and what you choose is up to you. Please choose the right.

Family back home
Some exciting news, Joseph is now engaged!!! Go buy him and his fiancé Eliza a Lego set or something because they're amazing. Lol j/k, I don't think they want Legos right now. So I guess I'll be missing at least 2 weddings while on the mission, maybe more... it's sad but I'm so happy for Ethan and Joe. Everybody please leave Mel and Hyrum alone though, I don't want them to get snatched yet because then I'll have to miss more dance parties...

So my mom is great, and she is saving all my emails into one place. So this link has all my past emails:

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