Monday, January 6, 2025

Week 50: Good = True

My brother Hyrum told me how each week is about 1% of your mission. I can't believe I'm basically 50% of the way done. The time goes by way too fast.

We have had some awesome lessons this week, and a wack one too. One guy really needs prayers, his name is José Jesus. They want to grow closer to God, but they're really struggling financially and might not have a home soon. Please pray for them. Also Adeline. She's basically ready for baptism, but her family is catholic, and her mom won't let her come to church. I'm not sure what the best move is to help her, so please pray for her and her family. I don't have a ton to say this week, but we had another lesson that was kind of weird. This guy has been meeting with missioanries for like 50 years, and isn't progressing. He came up to us and basically told us that all churches are good, and it doesn't really matter. He's read the Book of Mormon in 3 different languages (he speaks 7), and said it's a good book that we should read, but he doesn't think it's true. He said he's prayed about it, but we're not sure how open he is to an answer. It made me think though, because if the Book of Mormon is good, than it has to be true. It can either be good and true or evil and false, there is no in between. The Book of Mormon claims to be the word of God, and if it isn't from God, who's it from? Anyways, we explained that to him, but he didn't really hear us. Anyways, I don't have much to say this week. But at the very least, the Book of Mormon is good... that just also happens to mean it has to be true.

I need to get more pictures with our friends, sorry I keep forgetting. I love you guys

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