Hello everyone!! It was an awesome week! It was kind of crazy though
So there's this guy, I can't remember if I already wrote about him, but his name is Antonio! We found him one night because our plans fell through last minute, and after doing all we could think of in the area, I started driving, and then I saw him standing by his car on the phone. So I flipped around and we went and talked to him. He was on the phone, but I was like "we'll just write a card and hand it to him." But then he hung up and was like "can I help you guys with something?" So we told him we were missionaries for Jesus Christ and he was shocked! He went on about how the fact that we came right then was a sign from God. He took a Book of Mormon, and then we had a lesson with him this week. We gave him a tour of the Church Building and taught him the Gospel of Jesus Christ as we did it. We ended in the Chapel, and as we talked he was like "I wanna get baptized." Literally that was our second time talking to him ever, and it was awesome! So we put him on date, and are working towards it!
Another friend were teaching is Emely! We tracted into her mom, who told us to come back another day. When we did, we were able to teach them about the Book of Mormon. Then later we got a text from Emely who said her mom isn't really interested anymore, but that she is reading the Book of Mormon, and wants to learn more. And she got herself a ride to church! Her mom is still fine with her being taught, so that's good! It's always so much fun when someone wants to learn.
Adilene came to church as well, and has really gotten along well with the Ortiz family, so that's great. Sister Ortiz is literally an Angel. She reminds me of my mom
And Joaquin wants to be baptized this Saturday!! He was going to be baptized a few weeks ago, but we found out he was still drinking coffee so we had to push it back, and then we got news he was in the hospital. That was really sad, because it's probably because his body was so dependent on Coffee, but we gave him a blessing and he was out in 2 days, and keeps saying "I'm ready man!" It's amazing. So please pray for Joaquin this week!!
So here in Roswell, there isn't a day that goes by without me hearing police sirens. Anyways, most of our friends live in kind of a sketchy part of town. We were trying to contact one of our friends, and then this car pulls up to the house next to the one we were at. Then this guy hops out of the car, cocks his gun, and then walks into the backyard of the house. That was kind of concerning. We did call the police department just to let them know, but hopefully it wasn't anything serious. It was the fact that he cocked the gun that made me nervous, because you don't do that unless you plan on shooting. So that was wild! Roswell is kinda crazy. There's a gang called Crazy Town Roswell, and so members literally cannot wear ctr rings here, or people will think they're with the gang.
- Elder Wride
Ok, one of the members here is literally amazing. She runs a homeschooling program, and they had a valentines day activity at the church building. We gave a church tour at the same time, and then we ate lunch with everyone at the activity. It was crazy because there were like 60-70 people, and NONE of them were members!! I feel like we made a good impression. They made us play white elephant with them.
Also some members gave us tea... (face palm)