It was transfer week! Elder Springer is gone now, and I got to meet Elder Haws! It was great to talk with him, because he just barely left his baby area, which is also my baby area! So I got to ask him about some of the members and friends. It was also good to hear that I successfully eradicated the roach infestation while I was there. He never had any issues.

We didn't have as many friends come to church this week as we normally do, which was sad, especially because 5 other people said they would come, but didn't. But Adilene was finally able to make it! We've been teaching her since before I got here, and it was her first time coming and she liked it! She got to know some of the members really well and it was great
Spiritual thought
Idk if I'm gonna say this right, but I'm gonna try. As I've been studying creation, fall, atonement, and repentance, I thought the first step in AA was very insightful. It wasnt new, but it did feel groundbreaking fothat.
The first step:
Admit that we, of ourselves, are powerless to overcome our addictions and that our lives have become unmanageable.
I thought that was so interesting, because at first glance that sounds like the end. That sounds like failure, and something to be avoided. But it really helped me understand humility and grace better. The key, is that it is we, of ourselves, are powerless. Humility is recognizing out desperate need of the Savior. We don't have the power, and we need to admit that. We need to admit that our way doesn't work, or in other words, we need to admit defeat. But that isn't the end, that is the beginning. Literally step 1 is to admit defeat. And once we truly admit defeat, we have no choice but to turn to Jesus Christ, the one who conquered.
Step 2, is come to believe that a higher power (God) can restore us to sanity, or complete spiritual health.
We all face temptations and all fail at times, and when we do, we need that spiritual restoration. Once we admit defeat, we're able to turn to him who already fought this battle, and has already overcome. Jesus Christ already fought this battle for us, but too often, we (me especially) keep trying to fight it ourselves, even when we're trying to exercise faith in him. Because I keep thinking "I need to do all that I can do." But I think I've been misunderstanding it. When God commands us to do all that we can do, it isn't that we have to do all that we can on our own before his grace kicks in. His grace really is the light that guides us through the tunnel. When he asks us to do all we can do, he's asking us to do all we can do to hold up that light, to hold up and follow that light. I hope that made sense. I love you all!!
I'm sorry, I need to take more pictures with friends, but I do need your opinion on whether or not I should get a buzz. I think Meta made me look to handsome to be reliable. Some guy put that paper on our wind-shield wipers, lol.

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