Thursday, May 30, 2024

Week 18.5: Without Jesus, there is Nothing.

Sorry y'all, I don't really have time to write a whole bunch. Also all the days sort of blend together, so I don't even really remember what happened this week, except Elder Rochelle and I went 3 full days speaking only spanish (i dont know how you foreign missioanries do it). My head hurt baaaddd. But, this week is transfers, and so P-day was changed to today! Elder Rochelle is leaving me, but I hear my new companion is really cool. We got lots of pictures this week because Elder Rochelle was saying a bunch of final goodbyes, so you guys will get to see some more of the people we're teaching!

Spiritual Thought
I think that this is all that I really have time to share, but I did a lot of thinking and writing (per usual). One thought I had was about what kind of witness I'm looking for, and where I'd be getting it from. I've been praying for a witness that it is either true, or a witness that it isn't. As I thought about this, I remembered something my brother Ethan said. "Without Jesus, we're all screwed." And the fact that Without Jesus, there is nothing, took on a whole new meaning. How would it be physically possible to receive a witness that the church isn't true. Because if it isn't true, then there is nothing for me to receive a witness from. If we are all just floating on a ball in space, then there'd be no way for me to find out the church was true, because you can't get a confirmation from something that doesn't exist. So the only reason I would ever claim that it isn't true, is if I gave up in searching. So basically, don't give up. Too many people have claimed that this is true for it to just be tossed aside. And if it's true, it's worth the pain.

Zone miracle
So another cool thing, at the beginning of the transfer the ZLs and STLs promised everybody in the zone that if we practiced Daily repentance, that we would have 18 people either baptized or on date by the end of the transfer. Two days ago, we were at 16, and we were able to put our friend Erick on date, and the two sisters in our District put two of our other friends on date. So we got 19. It was just really cool because it was a scary goal to have, and a big promise. But when someone prayerfully promises you something, you can expect it to come true if you put in your real best effort. God's promises are his, and he cannot lie.

I think it's really funny to take the picture before everyone is ready.
- Elder Wride

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