Monday, June 3, 2024

Week 19: New Comp

I honestly don't feel like I have a lot to say this week. We had transfers, and so Elder Rochelle is no longer here. My new comp is Elder Ball, and it's his last transfer of the mission, so he's going home in a few weeks. Having a new comp is weird, and it'll take some adjusting. I felt like Elder Rochelle and I had finally figured each other out, and now I gotta start over.

Spiritual Thought
So we have a friend who has recently found the church. He said he has looked at tons of churches, and there are always things he doesn't agree with, but he agrees with everything our church teaches. He said there's one thing though that he thinks is a little dumb and funny, which is that we can't drink coffee or tea. He said it's weird that we don't allow that, but do allow ice cream and soda and stuff like that. We talked about it for a long while, and had like an hour long discussion. He still thinks it's a little silly, but he said he wants to be baptized. We asked him "are you willing to completely live the word of wisdom for this week?" We were meaning like, you'll have to commit forever, but just focus on this week, but he said "why not forever?" And I thought that was very profound. We taught another friend about repentance, and he brought up deathbed repentance. He was like "why do I need to repent now if I can just do it later?" And one things Elder Ball asked him was "Why would you want to wait?" I just felt that I should share those two conversations with y'all. The gospel brings so many blessings. Why would you want to wait? Why would you want to prevent those blessings from pouring right now? Why not just start now? And why not forever?

- Elder Wride

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Week 59 & 60: sorry

Apologies. I'm sorry I didnt write last week. It was kind of crazy. We had zone P-day, and one of the Elders broke his ankle. He'll ...