Monday, July 29, 2024

Week 27: How can I be

So I don't really have much to say right now, so this is sort of just to keep my streak up. I haven't missed a week yet.


Forgot to mention that Elder Christofferson left me his guitar!! He went home, and he recieved the guitar from a missionary, and had to pass it on to someone new. And he chose me, because I wanted it most I guess. I'm so happy though, because I get to keep it my whole mission, and I have 18 months left! Sad thing is I can't take it home with me... so I guess I gotta buy me a new one once I get home. It's a nice one though, and I'm gonna have no money when I get home, so that'll sadly have to be a later thing. It's been great though! I learned how to play "how can I be?" On it, and posted it on Facebook. (Made my Mom cry💪) (she posted it on youtube here). I'm now learning it in Spanish too for all my Spanish friends and I'll be posting that soon.

During a lesson, outer friend read the 3rd Article of faith, and said how a real Christian church would never say that because we aren't saved my any laws or ordinances, only by Christ. This started a discussion on faith and works. I was a little confused at first because I was like "you're right! Why is this a belief in our church then?" And I think I've been reading it wrong. It says 

We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

At first, it kind of sounds like it says we're saved by the law and ordinances of the gospel. But we're only saved through Christ. But what it's really saying is that we're saved through the Atonement of Christ, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel. Meaning that it's the Atonement that is doing the saving, but it is by obedience to the laws and ordinances that the Atonement is able to have such a profound change on our lives. We are saved by Jesus Christ, but it I'd by obedience to his laws, ordinances, and Covenants that we become sealed to him. They bind us to him. I'd love to hear your thoughts about it!
- Elder Wride

I ALSO WON MY FIRST GAME OF MONOPOLY DEAL. It's kind of pathetic because I've played like a million games of it these past 6 months, but Elder Miles always one. I sweat, he sold his soul, because he never loses in any game. God chose to bless me though, because at the start of the game when we were delt out cards, I got all 3 just say no cards. It was glorious and so I had to take a picture. I also got a picture of the game after I won. It was so awesome.

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Week 56: Typical Roswell

Hello everyone!! It was an awesome week! It was kind of crazy though So there's this guy, I can't remember if I already wrote about ...