Monday, August 19, 2024

Week 30: What will it take?

So I'm leaving Abilene. I've been here for my whole mission, 4 transfers, and now I'm leaving for Dalhart, one of the small towns. In other words, I'm being "banished," but the President doesn't call it that, that's just what some of the missionaries say. It'll be a very different scene, but I'm excited!

There isn't much to report on for this week. Except that we had stake conference! It was fun, but kind of chaotic, but still good. We had the mission President and his Wife join our stake this time around, and our friend Chauncey came for the last bit of it, and he got to meet them afterward. It was a nice visit, and Chauncey said they seem like solid people. Chauncey still is kind of concerned for our souls, and thinks we preach a different gospel, and since I'm leaving he's been really active in meeting with us. He asked us yesterday, "what would it take for you to denounce Mormonism?" It was an interesting question, and it led to some deep thinking. What would it take? I asked him the same thing but reversed. "What would it take for you to accept Mormonism?" We're gonna talk about it tomorrow. Hopefully. I guess that leads me into my spiritual thought today. What will it take for you to be really accept the Gospel? What will it take for you to get off the fence and dive in. It just doesn't work to have a foot in the gospel, and a foot out. What will it take for you to make the decision to give your heart, mind, and soul to God. These are all kind of the same question, and things I'm thinking about. Anyways, I love you guys. Be good.

- Elder Wride

Peter started his first day of School!! I'm so sad I missed it, but I'm so excited for him. He's a cute kid. I sure hope he shows his new cowboy boots to all his friends at school. (I sent a package home. Peter gets first pick on the boots).

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Week 59 & 60: sorry

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