Monday, October 28, 2024

Week 40: the Grind is real

Today, I woke up at 3 am for some reason, and I thought it was 6:30. So I turned on the lights and woke up my comp. After a few minutes, and being mostly conscious, Elder Pfeifer was like "wait, my phone says it's 3:18." And then I looked at my phone and it said 3:19. Lol, he threw his watch at me, and we tried to go back asleep.

This week was really good. We were working hard. We set a lofty goal to find 7 people this week, and 5 is what we normally top at. But we pushed, and found 9 people this week! And they all actually seem interested, which is great. We didn't have any gaps in our schedule, or waste any time this week. 

We've also gotten like 6 referrals this week. And normally when we get those they have no idea why we have their info, or they don't exist, but everyone we got this week is real, and actually requested to meet with us!!

I also messages this random guy on Facebook who liked one of the church posts, and I asked him if he wants to meet with missionaries, and he said "Yes yes yes Amen." So I got his address, sent him to the sister missionaries on Amarillo, and they sent me a message that he went to church and asked to get baptized! And I only messaged the guy this week!!

Something that I've been doing recently is marking in blue every name for Jesus Christ, God the Father, or any time it says "His, him, he," or things like that. I'm going through all the standard works with that, and it's been really helpful. I feel like things this week have just been re-emphasizing how all of my studies should be focused on how ____ brings me closer to Christ. Everything needs to be focused on him, or it will not last. The good things in life only last forever if they themselves are built on the foundation of Jesus Christ.

Love all you guys! That's all I have for this week. God Bless

- Elder Wride

I was sweating because we played prosketball with some mexicans

Monday, October 21, 2024

Week 39: Good Week

This week was good! We've started a new thing where we've been marking scriptures in Book of Mormons before we hand them out, and we've been handing out a lot this week! Tracting was actually crazy this week, everyone has been so nice. It's been weird, normally people are kind of aggressive and unkind, but everyone was so respectful and many invited us back. I guess we were led by the spirit or something, idk.

We an amazing lessons with Ryan, who was on date, but we had to take him off date so he can wane off for the word of wisdom. He really wants to be baptized though. Please pray for him that he'll have strength to do it! And that he'll be able to find a new job!

We had 4 friends come to church this week, which is the most we've had since I've been here, and all of them said they're coming back! Please pray for Octavio, and Ulysses, and Marta, and Naomi please too. Just pray for Dalhart in general, we're really trying to find the prepared people who are willing to listen to us. We've been finding a lot more of them, but yeah. Thank you! I don't really know what else to write today, but I love you all!!
- Elder Wride
I spun the wheel of woe and had to shave Elder Pfeifer and he had to take a cold shower

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Week 38: the Repentance Process

So this week was so good. I just need to say, I love my companion. Elder Pfeifer is one of my favorite people ever. He and I have very similar personalities and get along swimmingly. He is so fun, and hard working, and excited to be here, and it's great. We've played a few games of monopoly deal and have spun the wheel of woe. We made a wheel with various punishments, so now he has a video of me yodeling for 30 seconds, and I have to shave him tomorrow. It's weird, I know, but it's fun too.

Also, fun thing, we had an AMAZING discussion with Ryan, and we brought our Branch President. Ryan is our most progressing friend I think. He drove 45 min to come to church on Sunday, and he loved it. He said he's coming back next week. And he's listening to conference. Just pray for him that he'll keep progressing and make the sacrifices he needs to, and see the blessings that come from following Christ!

We also had a Mission Tour yesterday, which is why P-day was Tuesday this week. Elder Alonzo of the Seventy came to speak with us missionaries. Our mission president led a really amazing discussion outlining the steps of the repentance process, and it was so good, that I'm gonna put all the steps he gave in this email along with some scripture references.

1. Recognize your sin
Mosiah 4:2
2. Broken heart and Contrite Spirit
2 Nephi 2:7
Mosiah 4:5-6
3. Experience Godly Sorrow
Alma 36:16-18
4. Confess your sins
Mosiah 26:29
5. Forsake the sin
Alma 39:9
Mosiah 5:2
6. Make Restitution
3 Nephi 12:23-24
7. Forgive others to be forgiven ourselves
Mosiah 26:31
8. Seek Forgiveness from God
Enos 1:4
9. Recieve Forgiveness and Peace
Mosiah 4:3
Mosiah 4:11-12
10. Invite others to partake
Mosiah 28:3
1 Nephi 8:10-18
Luke 22:32

President Nelson has really emphasized the need to apply the repentance process daily. We need to make the process of repenting our daily friend. And what's beautiful is that in the process of each step of the repentance process, you feel a little lighter. Your burden isn't as heavy, and as you continue in the process, you feel that burden get lighter and lighter until your free and forgiven. Each step is important, and if you want to feel forgiven, feel light and pure before God, it's through daily repentance. This is the path of Joy, so walk it!

Also my brother Daniel got baptized this week!!! I love him so much. He's a good boy. Making covenants with God and keeping them brings so much joy. I love you guys!!

- Elder Wride

I hope y'all know that Pic of us running didn't do me any favors. I'm not that chubby, but it still motivated me to work out harder

Monday, October 7, 2024

Week 37: 1st week as a Trainer

So I am training now!! Which is so much fun. Elder Pfeifer is amazing, and I am so lucky to have him as my comp. He's a hard working, fun guy, so we've enjoyed our first few days together. The inly downside is that new missionaries aren't allowed to drive, so I have to drive all the time, and we've got lots of long drives here in Texas. And I get kind of drowsy. Just took a P-day Nap, but man. I'm getting tired.

General Conference
Definitely the highlight of this week was general conference, and I didn't take tons of notes, but I wrote down the one liners that stood out to me, and the stuff that seemed to really resonate with me. One thing that really started to make sense to me was why we sometimes need to feel alone. We go through a lot of trials, and there are many times where we may feel in complete darkness, or completely alone. But sometimes we need to reach that point because it is only when we are truly alone, isolated away from all the things that normally distract us that we can feel the presence of the Savior. Many times, we feel that we're struggling, getting weaker, going to a darker place, or feeling more and more alone, and usually we think that's bad. But everyone needs to experience it at some point. He really is always with us, but so often we don't feel it or don't recognize it. We need to reach a point where we are so isolated and alone, so that we can finally be alone WITH Him. So really we're making progress, because we can finally know the Savior for who he truly is. And then we can finally have such a personal and intimate relationship with the Savior and be able to say "He is my Jesus."

That's all I'll say for this week. I LOVE you all and I miss you!

- Elder Wride

I would've added more things, but it won't let me attach videos!

Week 57 & 58: Prayers!!

I'm so sorry I didn't write last week!! I was struggling to figure out what to write anyways, and I didn't have a lot of time. T...