Monday, December 16, 2024

Week 47: The Gospel = Ultimate Happiness

I never have time to write. Anyways, this week was kind of rough, I hurt my back somehow and was having really bad muscle spasms, so Elder Pfeifer got to use his CNA skills to help me get in bed and get the ice pack in the right spot. #CompGoals

He was also in a lot of pain this week, so we were both struggling. But I got news that I will be leaving Dalhart, and on Wednesday I will be going to Roswell, New Mexico!! I hear it's Alien town. Tons of alien/ufo sightings, so it's like the alien conspiracy capital of the world, and they've just embraced it. I'll be getting some funny pictures. I heard they painted their Walmart green (insert little alien head emoji)

I have been saving up for boots, and I was gonna buy some today, but they were so expensive. It's hard to get genuine Texan Boots, but it'll be worth the wait. I'm gonna take them country dancing every weekend.

Spiritual thought:
Although we were physically in pain most of the week, we had an amazing lesson with Ryan, he's pur friend on date. He is the best. He is now completely free of Marijuana, he's been waning off this transfer, and he really wants to get baptized. We hadn't taught him the tithing yet though, so we were really worried. We wanted our Branch President there when we brought it up but it just never worked out. So we just did it. We taught him about tithing, and the promised blessings, and then asked him what his thoughts were. And he kind of laughed, and was like "listen guys, ever since I started listening to you guys, I've been so much happier, and life has been so much better." We were so worried that it would slow him down or be a roadblock for him, but he didn't even bat an eye, and it's because he's already seeing the fruits of the Gospel in his life. It was wonderful to see it. I'm sad I'm leaving, because he's getting baptized in 12 days, and I won't be there... but he's been an amazing example to me. Guys the gospel can be hard sometimes, but the laws of the gospel are the laws for ultimate happiness. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are the happiest people in the universe. If you want to be happy, the happiest you can be, and be that happy forever, then live the Gospel. Live it Joyfully.

- Elder Wride

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