Monday, December 23, 2024

Week 48: I'm a believer 🛸

Aliens are real. I'm a believer...

(3 emojis - alien head, ufo, and scared face)

Lol, jk, I'll talk more about being a believer in my spiritual thought.

My first week in Roswell has been fun, but sadly, the Walmart isn't green. I haven't seen so much police activity in one area. There isn't a day that goes by without sirens and cop cars zooming somewhere. I don't like McDonald's, but i do have to eat at the one here at least once. Its built like a UFO 

We went to a UFO museum today, and that was pretty fun. I made a hat out of aluminum foil, and as we were leaving a kid bumped into me, and he was like "sorry," and I was like "no worries." And then he was like "woah, an aluminum foil hat?" And I was like "yeah, you want it?" And he was like "really?" So I put it on his head, and walked out like a boss. I can't help thinking that was a Canon event for him.

We had our Branch Christmas party, which was a lot of fun, but lowkey stressful, because none of the members showed up until at least 40 minutes late, and it didn't start until 5:20, when it was supposed to start at 4. We used that time to show some of them the chapel though. We did lots of stop bys that day and 10 of our friends came to the party!!

And then yesterday, we had a goofy lesson with a friend of ours, but it was actually awesome too! He's come to church 6 times and we put him on date to be baptized!!

Spiritual thought:
So I've been listening to lots of the Hank Smith tapes, and he has one that I really liked about being a believer, and what that really means. It's called Be Who You Are, if you can find it, I highly recommend giving it a listen. It was really funny and really profound too. One thing he said that I want to talk about was a quote from Elder Holland saying

"God is anxiously waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, just as He always has. But He can’t if you don’t pray, and He can’t if you don’t dream. In short, He can’t if you don’t believe."

I loved that. God cannot answer our prayers and fulfill our dreams if he don't believe. Sometimes we think God has it backwards, we're like "give me comfort, answers, guidance, understanding, etc. and then I will believe." But he says "no,  you have it backwards. Believe first." But we worship a backwards God. I'll talk more about that next week. Sorry this is a little messy. Anyways, what is a believer? It's a lot more than someone who just bears their testimony on Sunday, or just goes to church. A believer is someone who lives it and is a believe in all times, all things, and all places. Not sometimes, not most times, it's in all times. So who are you when there's no one else around? Do you still believe then? Do you still believe when it gets hard or risky? Just a thought. Hank Smith did a way better job, so just go listen to that. Love you guys. Don't get abducted

- Elder Wride

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