So I don't remember if I wrote it last week, but the guy Jesús that I put on date just vanished. The visit right after putting him on date, we found out he just up and moved to Mexico. We're praying the missionaries in Mexico find and baptize him. But this week, we did put 3 people on date! The mom and two kids of a family have been coming to church, and reading and we showed them the font at church yesterday. It's exciting!!
Monday, September 30, 2024
Week 36: this is War
Monday, September 23, 2024
Week 35: Please pray for rain
I love driving through rain puddles. They don't really have a drainage system here so they get massive. It's one of my favorite things.

Monday, September 16, 2024
Week 34: Fear VS Love
Hahaha sorry this email will be short. I think I want to write about Jesús! He's a friend of ours, and he just accepted the invitation to be Baptized! It's so fun to teach him, every lesson we have with him is so peaceful. It's funny, everytime we pull up, he's just sitting in his hammock outside reading the Book of Mormon. Every lesson we've had has been so amazing. When I taught yhe restoration and recited the first vision was my favorite one. Elder Ellis, an English missionary who doesn't speak a link of spanish remarked how the lesson was so spirit filled, even though he had no idea what we were saying. I don't know if I should be upset or grateful, but he stealthily recorded a majority of the lesson. It was fun to watch (and be reminded how much I need to practice spanish), but the best part was that I was able to point out the spirit to Jesús. I asked him how he felt, to which he said peaceful, and I told him that was the spirit. I'm still not always sure when it's the spirit or not, but really all Good things come from God, and Jesús recognized that it was the spirit.

Monday, September 9, 2024
Week 33: Someone tried to Bash us again
Monday, September 2, 2024
Week 32: Patience is a Godly Virtue
I learned an important lesson this week. I'm not sure how much I should share here tho...
Week 59 & 60: sorry
Apologies. I'm sorry I didnt write last week. It was kind of crazy. We had zone P-day, and one of the Elders broke his ankle. He'll ...

So this week was good. I honestly don't know what to write in this, because most of what I have worth writing is probably a bit too pers...
This conference was seriously amazing. This was the first time that I felt I really needed answers, so I was looking forward to it for weeks...
Sorry guys, it's been a busy P-day, so I'm sending this late, and it'll be shorter than normal. We had a zone P-day, so all the ...