Monday, September 30, 2024

Week 36: this is War

So I don't remember if I wrote it last week, but the guy Jesús that I put on date just vanished. The visit right after putting him on date, we found out he just up and moved to Mexico. We're praying the missionaries in Mexico find and baptize him. But this week, we did put 3 people on date! The mom and two kids of a family have been coming to church, and reading and we showed them the font at church yesterday. It's exciting!!

One day we had another guy bash us. We also had a friend that same day go on about our frequencies, and how if you give love, positive affection, and attention to a glass of water, it'll vibrate with positive frequency and change the molecules to be healthier. I had a headache after that day.

We've also had some really good lessons. And we got transfer news last night!! Elder Ellis is leaving, I'll be staying, and I'll be training!! I told president I really wanted to train, and now I get to. I'm so excited, but also anxious. Any tips for those who trained?

Spiritual thought
So... I've changed some things. I've been thinking. And I realize I've been giving Satan a lot more little victories that I thought. I don't want to talk too much about this, but I've made a commitment to myself and to God. I am now in an all-out war against Satan. I know I'll still make mistakes, but I've committed to implement every tool I've been given and make the most of each moment. I will not let Satan win the little battles anymore, because they build up. It's just interesting to think: who's side am I really serving? Because you can't serve two masters. Everyone has to make the decision at some point to let God prevail in their lives, and I'm determined to make that decision now. I will make this decision again and again, everyday. I have to recommit every morning. If I am successful, this battle will last for the rest of my life.
- Elder Wride

I made some killer tres leches. Best cake I've ever had

I've killed 7 spiders this week in our house, 2 of which were fat black widows

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Week 37: 1st week as a Trainer

So I am training now!! Which is so much fun. Elder Pfeifer is amazing, and I am so lucky to have him as my comp. He's a hard working, fu...