Monday, December 30, 2024

Week 49: Sierra Blanca 🏳

Sierra Blanca is the name of the mountain we tried to hike today for P-Day. There ain't no way anyone's making it to the top as a missionary, but we had fun trying.

We had an awesome lesson with a member who hadn't come to church in over a year. He served a mission, was the branch president a while ago, but he lost his brother and was angry at God. We had an amazing lesson with him and talked a lot about the refiners fire. I was led to study the story of Job that morning and it was just perfect for the lesson.

Anyways, I don't really know what to write this week, so I'm just gonna kind of throw a bunch of thoughts out.

I saw someone post a story with a bunch of letters, and it said the first 4 words you find will like determine the new year or something. Anyways, kinda silly, but anyways, my 4 words were Change, Connection, Power, and Alignment. I actually really liked that because basically what I've been praying for for a long time. I want a changed heart, so that I have no more desire to do wrong. I want a deeper connection to the Savior. I want spiritual Power, so that I can actually help people. And I want to be aligned with God, and his will. Anyways, so thought that was cool.

I have started studying miracles, and I've loved it so far. I talked with my Dad a lot about Miracles, and how they happen, why they happen, etc. One thing he said that has stuck with me is that you cannot witness miracles just as an observer. You're a part of it. Miracles happen, but they don't just happen. They come through sacrifice, and obedience, and faith. I've decided to start studying miracles, what they had to go through to receive those, and what was the result. There are very few miracles that happen without a lot of sacrifice and faith, and those tend not to end well for the recipient. So if you want miracles, have faith, and be willing to give it your all, because every miracle that's worth having comes with sacrifice.

Faith = Loyalty
I was reading when Nephi and his brothers were trying to get the plates, and everytime Nephi said "Let us be faithful" to his brothers stood out to me. The way he said it made me think of Marriage. If you think of a man who's loyal to his wife, you could just as easily say he's faithful to his wife. And I was like, we'll then what's the difference? And I don't have a ton of time left, but basically, Faith is a lot more than just a belief. It's hope, and love, and LOYALTY. True faith is loyal. You have to love it, you have to hope for the blessings, you have to trust it, and you have to be loyal. I've started writing loyal in red next to everytime it says to be faithful. That leads me to probably my favorite quote.

The crowning characteristic of Love is always Loyalty - Jeffry R Holland

- Elder Wride

We tried to hike to the tallest point in the mission, but apparently we're a bit out of shape (were stateside car missionaries), and so we didn't make it, but we climbed the second highest peak in our mission today for P-day. I brought a white shirt and tie for some funny picks. Got a little burnt, but it was worth it. Ruidoso, New Mexico is a beautiful place. I saw like 60 Elk and Deer just walking around the town. Like on people's porches and stuff.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Week 48: I'm a believer 🛸

Aliens are real. I'm a believer...

(3 emojis - alien head, ufo, and scared face)

Lol, jk, I'll talk more about being a believer in my spiritual thought.

My first week in Roswell has been fun, but sadly, the Walmart isn't green. I haven't seen so much police activity in one area. There isn't a day that goes by without sirens and cop cars zooming somewhere. I don't like McDonald's, but i do have to eat at the one here at least once. Its built like a UFO 

We went to a UFO museum today, and that was pretty fun. I made a hat out of aluminum foil, and as we were leaving a kid bumped into me, and he was like "sorry," and I was like "no worries." And then he was like "woah, an aluminum foil hat?" And I was like "yeah, you want it?" And he was like "really?" So I put it on his head, and walked out like a boss. I can't help thinking that was a Canon event for him.

We had our Branch Christmas party, which was a lot of fun, but lowkey stressful, because none of the members showed up until at least 40 minutes late, and it didn't start until 5:20, when it was supposed to start at 4. We used that time to show some of them the chapel though. We did lots of stop bys that day and 10 of our friends came to the party!!

And then yesterday, we had a goofy lesson with a friend of ours, but it was actually awesome too! He's come to church 6 times and we put him on date to be baptized!!

Spiritual thought:
So I've been listening to lots of the Hank Smith tapes, and he has one that I really liked about being a believer, and what that really means. It's called Be Who You Are, if you can find it, I highly recommend giving it a listen. It was really funny and really profound too. One thing he said that I want to talk about was a quote from Elder Holland saying

"God is anxiously waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, just as He always has. But He can’t if you don’t pray, and He can’t if you don’t dream. In short, He can’t if you don’t believe."

I loved that. God cannot answer our prayers and fulfill our dreams if he don't believe. Sometimes we think God has it backwards, we're like "give me comfort, answers, guidance, understanding, etc. and then I will believe." But he says "no,  you have it backwards. Believe first." But we worship a backwards God. I'll talk more about that next week. Sorry this is a little messy. Anyways, what is a believer? It's a lot more than someone who just bears their testimony on Sunday, or just goes to church. A believer is someone who lives it and is a believe in all times, all things, and all places. Not sometimes, not most times, it's in all times. So who are you when there's no one else around? Do you still believe then? Do you still believe when it gets hard or risky? Just a thought. Hank Smith did a way better job, so just go listen to that. Love you guys. Don't get abducted

- Elder Wride

Monday, December 16, 2024

Week 47: The Gospel = Ultimate Happiness

I never have time to write. Anyways, this week was kind of rough, I hurt my back somehow and was having really bad muscle spasms, so Elder Pfeifer got to use his CNA skills to help me get in bed and get the ice pack in the right spot. #CompGoals

He was also in a lot of pain this week, so we were both struggling. But I got news that I will be leaving Dalhart, and on Wednesday I will be going to Roswell, New Mexico!! I hear it's Alien town. Tons of alien/ufo sightings, so it's like the alien conspiracy capital of the world, and they've just embraced it. I'll be getting some funny pictures. I heard they painted their Walmart green (insert little alien head emoji)

I have been saving up for boots, and I was gonna buy some today, but they were so expensive. It's hard to get genuine Texan Boots, but it'll be worth the wait. I'm gonna take them country dancing every weekend.

Spiritual thought:
Although we were physically in pain most of the week, we had an amazing lesson with Ryan, he's pur friend on date. He is the best. He is now completely free of Marijuana, he's been waning off this transfer, and he really wants to get baptized. We hadn't taught him the tithing yet though, so we were really worried. We wanted our Branch President there when we brought it up but it just never worked out. So we just did it. We taught him about tithing, and the promised blessings, and then asked him what his thoughts were. And he kind of laughed, and was like "listen guys, ever since I started listening to you guys, I've been so much happier, and life has been so much better." We were so worried that it would slow him down or be a roadblock for him, but he didn't even bat an eye, and it's because he's already seeing the fruits of the Gospel in his life. It was wonderful to see it. I'm sad I'm leaving, because he's getting baptized in 12 days, and I won't be there... but he's been an amazing example to me. Guys the gospel can be hard sometimes, but the laws of the gospel are the laws for ultimate happiness. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are the happiest people in the universe. If you want to be happy, the happiest you can be, and be that happy forever, then live the Gospel. Live it Joyfully.

- Elder Wride

Monday, December 9, 2024

Week 46: Be a Believer

Sorry, but today we has Zone P-day, and we live an hour and a half away, so 3 hours immediately is just gone from our P-day. So I don't have time to write an extensive email. I love you guys. This week was good, but everything is a blur. I don't even know what happened this week. I've been listening to all of President Nelsons conference talks, starting in 1984, and that's been insightful. I've also been listening to some things from Hank Smith, and one I listened to today I really enjoyed. He talked a lot about what it means to be a believer. Being a true believer is a lot deeper than a lot of us think. We believe in Christ, but often when we are called to do something or make a change, we're like "well I believe, but that's too hard." And it just points out the difference between believing in Christ and believing Christ. When Moses and the people of Israel were wondering in the wilderness after fleeing Egypt, they could have gone to the promised land, but they were scared of the people there. And on Numbers 14:11, God asks Moses 

"How long will this people provoke me? and how long will it be ere they believe me, for all the signs which I have shewed among them?"
It's not too hard to raise our hands and bear testimony and say "I believe!! I'm a believer!!" But when you're called to act, do you still believe? Do you believe him and in his power to deliver?

Anyways, I love you all!! Work hard, be good, and learn to love Jesus

Monday, December 2, 2024

Week 45: Unshakeable

This weeks been good! I feel like not a ton happened, everything seems to blur, so I don't even know what memories I have are from this week. But Ryan and Ximena are on date, and both progressing to baptism!! Ximena's mom is a member, but her Dad's Jehova's Witness, and she needs his permission if she wants to get baptized this month, which she does!! So please pray for her!!

Thanksgiving was great!! We ate well. I feel like there isn't much to say about holidays. I prefer normal missionary days. They feel more productive

 Throughout my mission, I've been collecting devotionals, podcasts and talks that have been helpful and pivitol throughout my mission, and I recently gained access to a ton of tapes from Hank Smith that I've started going through, and the ones. One was about unconquerable spirits, 5 temptation killers, and another one about how to earn an unshakable testimony. That's the one I listened to today, (we have lots of long drives here).

I don't have a ton of time right now, but there's a quote I want to share that I really like.
"A person with an experience is never at the mercy of someone with an opinion."
I loved that, because as a missionary, I'm not trying to convert people to me, or to my church. I'm inviting them to turn to God and have their own experiences with him. But something I've noticed, is that if we hold back, God will hold back. He will not give us those experiences if we aren't willing ti use them. If you get the answer you're looking for, what are you going to do with it? God wants to bless us with experiences and blessings, but we can't hold back on him. You can't hold back water and demand the seed to grow and produce fruit. And once that tree is grown, it's rooted in your heart, it's unshakable.

Love you guys!!

- Elder Wride

- I got a banana nerf gun. Felt cool, might delete later
- memes
- scandalous pig
- I feel like Duo Lingo is kind of mean

Week 57 & 58: Prayers!!

I'm so sorry I didn't write last week!! I was struggling to figure out what to write anyways, and I didn't have a lot of time. T...