Monday, December 30, 2024
Week 49: Sierra Blanca 🏳
Monday, December 23, 2024
Week 48: I'm a believer 🛸
Aliens are real. I'm a believer...
(3 emojis - alien head, ufo, and scared face)
Monday, December 16, 2024
Week 47: The Gospel = Ultimate Happiness
I never have time to write. Anyways, this week was kind of rough, I hurt my back somehow and was having really bad muscle spasms, so Elder Pfeifer got to use his CNA skills to help me get in bed and get the ice pack in the right spot. #CompGoals
Monday, December 9, 2024
Week 46: Be a Believer
Sorry, but today we has Zone P-day, and we live an hour and a half away, so 3 hours immediately is just gone from our P-day. So I don't have time to write an extensive email. I love you guys. This week was good, but everything is a blur. I don't even know what happened this week. I've been listening to all of President Nelsons conference talks, starting in 1984, and that's been insightful. I've also been listening to some things from Hank Smith, and one I listened to today I really enjoyed. He talked a lot about what it means to be a believer. Being a true believer is a lot deeper than a lot of us think. We believe in Christ, but often when we are called to do something or make a change, we're like "well I believe, but that's too hard." And it just points out the difference between believing in Christ and believing Christ. When Moses and the people of Israel were wondering in the wilderness after fleeing Egypt, they could have gone to the promised land, but they were scared of the people there. And on Numbers 14:11, God asks Moses
Monday, December 2, 2024
Week 45: Unshakeable
This weeks been good! I feel like not a ton happened, everything seems to blur, so I don't even know what memories I have are from this week. But Ryan and Ximena are on date, and both progressing to baptism!! Ximena's mom is a member, but her Dad's Jehova's Witness, and she needs his permission if she wants to get baptized this month, which she does!! So please pray for her!!
Week 57 & 58: Prayers!!
I'm so sorry I didn't write last week!! I was struggling to figure out what to write anyways, and I didn't have a lot of time. T...
So this week was good. I honestly don't know what to write in this, because most of what I have worth writing is probably a bit too pers...
This conference was seriously amazing. This was the first time that I felt I really needed answers, so I was looking forward to it for weeks...
Sorry guys, it's been a busy P-day, so I'm sending this late, and it'll be shorter than normal. We had a zone P-day, so all the ...